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Global archivers

This window is for editing and adding of archivers. An archiver is used to uncompress grabs or message packets downloaded, and to compress replies to be uploaded. Several archivers are predefined and, in most cases, you don't need to make any changes. However, these functions are available:

Arc Types
This is a list of available archiver types from which you may select one to edit or delete. Note that these names are only names, and do not actually have to be the command used.
Editing of the selected archiver's parameters: "Archive Pattern" is the pattern used to identify files packed with this type. This pattern can be either the file name (e.g. "#?.lha") or the first bytes of the file, something like "$????2d6c68". This pattern is compared with the file in question, to check if they match. The"$" is used to define that this is a hex-pattern and the "?" is for each byte that is overlooked and not used. (In the example, the last "2d6c68" is the actual hex-pattern that defines this file to be a file archived with LhA.) "UnArchive Command" is the actual command used to unpack these archives. "Archive Command" is the actual command used to pack message packets that are to be uploaded to a system. Which packer to be used is defined in the section Systems Configuration.
Adding of new archiver types to the list. You have to edit this new type afterwards by entering pattern, unarchive command, etc.
Delete the selected archiver type.

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